FreshRSS: A free self-hosted RSS aggregator

You waste too much time to visit every single day your favorite websites? You care about privacy and don't want any website to know your preferences? You don't want to miss any GitHub release from your favorites software? No worries! FreshRSS can solve all your problems!

FreshRSS: A free self-hosted RSS aggregator

You waste too much time visiting every single day your favorite websites?
You care about privacy and don't want any website to know your preferences?
You don't want to miss any GitHub release from your favorites software?
No worries! FreshRSS can solve all your problems!


Once again, nothing very complex here, the docker image is provided by LinuxServer 🦦.

First thing first, you need to create a folder for this project and put inside your docker-compose.yml file.

version: "2.3"
    container_name: freshrss
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8082:80
      - PUID=1026
      - PGID=100
      - TZ=Europe/Paris
      - /home/thelazyfox/docker/freshrss/config:/config

Please remember to create all folders and files before trying to launch your docker-compose.

How does it look like on my server:

      |_ docker-compose.yaml
      |_ config/

And now, you just have to launch your docker-compose file with the following command cd freshrss && docker-compose up -d


Overview of the main stream from FreshRSS

In FreshRSS, you can manage everything you need around your RSS feeds including:

  • Categories
  • Labels
  • Archiving strategy
  • What to display on your main feed
  • Multi users is supported so you can share it with your family
  • Customize the theme
  • Add addons
Add a new feed is easy, just copy paste the website's URL and follow the steps
Define your archiving policy and customize it per website if needed

Tips: If you want to follow the releases of your favorite applications, just enter the releases GitHub page of the project. Example:

I let you discover all features, feel free to share your favorites!

Looking for help?
If you are looking for some help or want a quick chat, please head over to the Discord Community!